If you require urgent support or when you just need to talk, our Service Team is available to receive your call. Currently based in East Perth, our phone support is manned weekdays from 6:30am – 5:00pm.
For any urgent issues, our dedicated ‘After-Hours’ phone service is available 24/7.
For regular service requests, please email us, this will automatically be logged into our ITSM Software which will be addressed in a timely manner in-line with our SLA.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding billing, we are here to assist you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, as we are more than happy to provide you with additional information and address any queries you may have.
If you want to boost your experience, cultivate knowledge and work within a dedicated team to solve complex problems, then FocusNet may be the place for you.
We are constantly on the lookout for enthusiastic, forward-thinking individuals who play well within a team and who will go the extra mile to consistently deliver great experiences for whoever they work with. If you believe that is you, then we want to hear about it!
Enable a secure and
connected future
Lives and businesses
enriched by technology
Proactive partners of innovative,
smarter business
At FocusNet Technology, we distinguish ourselves in how we journey with our clients to achieve a best fit solution.
We engage every business not as simply as another service provider who can meet the minimum requirements for the lowest price. Instead, we work hard to forge meaningful partnerships with our clients so that we can fully understand the business goals, pain points, opportunities, and risks. This approach allows us to design and deliver a robust solution that will empower and enrich our clients as they move into the future.
To accomplish our vision requires no less than a great team! No matter how big or small the job, we rely on our team’s support to ensure we consistently deliver what we promise.
Staying on the pulse of new technological advancements is essential; therefore, we encourage our entire team to further their skills and knowledge and provide as much opportunity for career development as possible. Coaching, mentorship, knowledge sharing, and round-tabling is commonplace within the FocusNet environment, and it forms a big part of the personal development strategy for our team.
If you want more information about the available roles at FocusNet or would like to send us your CV, please get in touch with us by completing the web form below.
© 2024 FocusNet Technology | ABN 30 606 250 006
Financial Institution: NAB
Account Name: FocusNet Pty Ltd
BSB: 086 217
Account Number: 344061739
Credit Card and Direct Debit payments are available upon request.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or call 1300 077 777.