If you require urgent support or when you just need to talk, our Service Team is available to receive your call. Currently based in East Perth, our phone support is manned weekdays from 6:30am – 5:00pm.
For any urgent issues, our dedicated ‘After-Hours’ phone service is available 24/7.
For regular service requests, please email us, this will automatically be logged into our ITSM Software which will be addressed in a timely manner in-line with our SLA.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding billing, we are here to assist you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us, as we are more than happy to provide you with additional information and address any queries you may have.
A robust cyber security posture starts with a clear understanding of your cyber risk.
Discover your current cyber posture with our Cyber Health Check, a powerful tool that provides valuable insights and actionable recommendations to enhance your cybersecurity. Best of all, it’s more affordable than you might expect, our audits start at just $500+GST.
A robust cyber security posture starts with a clear understanding of your cyber risk.
Select your Cyber Health Check.
Decide which risks to address.
Implement program to address the risks.
Each of the following options are designed to assess your business against the fundamental requirements
(founded on ACSC’s Essential Eight**) to establish and maintain a strong cyber defence.
* Pricing is exclusive of GST. Terms & Conditions apply.
** The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) has developed prioritised mitigation strategies, in the form of the Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents, to help organisations protect themselves against various cyber threats. The most effective of these mitigation strategies is the Essential Eight (E8).
Complete the form below and our Cyber team will be in touch with you shortly to discuss your requirements.
© 2024 FocusNet Technology | ABN 30 606 250 006
Financial Institution: NAB
Account Name: FocusNet Pty Ltd
BSB: 086 217
Account Number: 344061739
Credit Card and Direct Debit payments are available upon request.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or call 1300 077 777.